Boiler can be divided into several category. One of category is based on medium output. Medium output is the medium boiler used for transfer thermal energy into production system. On this category boiler is divided into Steam boiler (Steam), Hot Water Boiler (water), and thermal oil boiler (Thermal fluid).
in previous part (click here for first part) we have disect all of three of them.
They have their own property and advantages. It is better to study them properly before choose which one is the best to use. Below can be seen comparation between those three.
Which one should we choose?
The answer: it depends, as we have learned about each of boiler, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.
In most cases, Thermal oil heater can be the best choice to used considering it has a high maximum temperature and can carry lot energy. However thermal oil boiler shouldn’t be used for foodgrade industries and autoclaved. So if you using boiler for food or beverages industries, autoclaved, or sterilization processes Thermal oil is not recommended.
Instead using steam boiler or hot water boiler is more suitable for a foodgrade industries and sterilization processes. Steam boiler itself has a good efficiency and fast to generate thermal energy. Steam boiler the only boiler out of these three that can be used to move a turbine in power plant. Steam boiler also best boiler for sterilization process because steam boiler used pressurized process. Another used of steam boiler is in marine or locomotive train, to move the transportation.
And hot water boiler is used for process with a low temperature and non-pressurized product. Hot water boiler often used for Building heat in hotel or office. Also often used to provide hot water for bath in hotel or hot water for cleaning in laundry.
Each of types have their own purpose so choose wisely before purchasing.
If you have any question just contact us Samson Indonesia Boiler or shorted as SIB. We are Boiler company in Indonesia which has many experiences in boiler for over 25 years. We sell and help customer who require Boiler for their industry. Need boiler right now? Contact us and we will provide you the best product quality and nice service.
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SIB Best Solution for Your Energies problem.